How To Find The Best Company To Buy Your Diabetes Testing Strips
Some people who have diabetes will test their blood sugar levels three or four times a day. However, there are many people who will check their levels far less, and there are some who reach stable levels and do not check their levels all that often. Furthermore, it is common to change testing machines or methods after you have received a prescription of strips. You can sell diabetes testing strips for cash. Take a look at how to find the best company to sell your supplies to.
Look for a company that offers fast payouts.
You do want to make sure that you will get your money quickly after you send in your testing strips. Some companies have longer processing times than others, but there are many companies that buy diabetic test strips and offer 24-hour payout guarantees. This means that you will get paid for your strips within 24 hours of the buyer receiving the shipment.
Check for new customer promotions.
Make sure that when you do decide to sell your extra testing supplies for cash that you look for new customer promotions. It is not uncommon for some companies to offer cash bonuses to new customers. For example, you may find a company that will give you $10 just for signing up and getting a quote. The bonus will likely be paid out when you sell your first batch of supplies, but this can really make your overall offer look more appealing.
Get instant quotes before you sell.
One of the things that many of the cash for test strips companies are offering is instant quotes on the strips you have. This makes it really easy to find out what different companies are going to offer for the supplies you no longer need. Get instant quotes from several places and use those quotes to help you determine which buyer will be the best to work with. The quotes can vary significantly from place to place because demands for certain products can range from company to company.
Find a company that has contact info readily available.
If you have a problem with sending your strips or receiving your payment, you will need to reach out to the company with your questions. Before you initiate any transaction with any one company, check out the website, make sure it looks legitimate, and look for obvious contact information, such as a phone number, address, and email address. Some companies even have a live chat feature for customers to use to get immediate assistance when they have an issue.
Reach out to companies like American Medical Surplus to learn more.